Thursday 12 June 2014

Sun, running and avocado on toast

The 6 and 4 year old woke up at stupid o'clock this morning. They were over-excited because today was the day a reward chart was completed so they were due a toy. Nothing would induce them to go back to sleep and wait until the sun came up, so they eventually got their toys and then played happily in the lounge.

However I couldn't get back to sleep and was vaguely wondering what productive things I could do when I realised it was my running day and that instead of going for a run after they were asleep this evening I could go this morning.

I've been training for a 5K now for several weeks, using the 5K Runner app, and so far it's going well, but I am still getting used to working out when to fit the training into my day/week.

I'm not sure this morning has convinced me to set an alarm to run in the early morning, but it really was a glorious day to run today.

The sky looked like this:

There was hardly any traffic on the road, and everyone who I passed smiled or said Good Morning.

And to top it all off, when I got home I remembered that there was half an avocado in the fridge, so I could make my favourite sugar-free breakfast for myself:

It couldn't be simpler. Toast some wholemeal bread (preferably with seeds and/or grains in it). Spread liberally with salted butter. Mash an avocado on top (if the avocado won't mash easily with a fork it's not ready to eat).

I truly think it is perfection on a plate.

And here's another picture of the beautiful sky, just because.

Happy Thursday!

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